Saturday, November 11, 2006

Bowl 4 GK?! 3rd place?! huh?!

Whaz good fam.
i thought i'd give an update on what went down last weekend.

a bowling event for awareness of GK [gawad kalingan]. Pretty dope/fun event. helps raise money for the cause'. last week was the socal qualifier and this weekend is the norcal qualifier -then of course you gotsa have a bowling tourny up in VEGAS. the championship game is in Las Vegas Next weekend!! were they take 16 teams from both socal and norcal -and let them duke it out for 1st place and bragging rights!!

GK is a nonprofit org which is trying to erase poverty in the Phillipines.

700,000 homes in 7,000 communities in 7 years
if you dont know what GK [Gawad Kalingan] is check out this vid :
please whatch whole thing : prepared to be moved.

Sooo -what does this have to do with us you say?! on the day of the event we show up -showing love and respect for the cause' unintending to bowL. but we just did for fun to represent RM fsho! you can tell by our name we werent serious about it at all ["Chicken noodle soup with a soda on the side"] inspite of all the other serious teams -we started winning! in the end we got 3rd place yo! out of 28 teams! pretty good for just having fun i might say. heres a pic :

[Jape, RM, MelimeL, supremebB]
[Jay, Bert, MeL, Shaun]
Before we got 3rd
us after we realized we got 3rd.

pretty random ish huh? if you dont believe we got 3rd -Our trophy is in the shop currently! come by and check it out -we'll tell the story over and over again haha!
Moral of the story : just have fun wit it!!

till the next random act.

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